Pet Pages

All about Pets with some Extras

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Thank you to my readers

I just wanted to say thank you to my readers but I will be closing this blog down as I have started a new Pet Pages Plus on Wordpress. Wordpress is allowing me more options to do what I have set out to do with a blog. Please take the time to visit my new blog and start following me there for all my updates. There are many new stories that are there compared to here. Please give it a try.

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Pet tent with the kids for fun

Here is an awesome tent idea that would be great for your little ones to share with their 4-legged friends in the backyard. It will be their little hide-away.


Idea from Lowes


  • Drill
  • Countersinking pilot bit for #8 screws
  • 3/8" drill bit
  • Framing square
  • Tape measure
  • Staple gun
  • Wood glue


  • 12 - 1"x2"x6' boards
  • #8x1-1/4" wood screws
  • 2 - 3/8" wing nuts
  • 2 - 3/8" flat washers
  • 2 - 3/8"x2" hex bolts
  • 6'x9' canvas drop cloth

Step 1

Wash and dry the drop cloth to soften it. (Avoid hot settings on the washer or dryer that may cause excessive shrinkage.) Sand the faces, edges, and ends of each 1"x2"x6' board to remove any sharp edges or rough spots.

Step 2

Find the four straightest boards to use as the vertical ends (A) for both frames. Measure 20-1/2" down from the top end of each board and mark the center of the 1-1/2"-wide faces where shown. Drill 3/8" holes at each mark, taking care to keep the holes 90 degrees to the wood surface.

Step 3

On a flat surface, place two of the vertical ends (A) on edge so they're parallel and about 6' apart. Check that the 3/8" holes are at the top end. Lay cross brace (B) with the face spanning the two parallel boards and flush with their ends. Use a carpenter's square to check that they're 90 degrees to each other. Drill two countersunk pilot holes about 3/8" from the edges of the top board. Then add glue and screw the top board to the two vertical boards

Step 4

Measure 23" from the edge of the bottom board and mark the two vertical boards. Glue, drill, and screw a second horizontal board in place. Measure another 23" and repeat to add a third horizontal board to complete one tent frame side. Repeat the previous step and this one to make a second side; let the glue dry. 

Step 5

To join the frames, stand them together with the holes overlapping. Place a washer on a 3/8"x2" hex bolt, slide the bolt through the holes, and hold it in place with another washer and a wing nut. Repeat for the other hole.

Step 6

Spread the two sides apart to form the "A" shape. Drape the prewashed drop cloth over the frame and confirm that it will reach from one bottom board to the other. Then staple one end to the bottom board on one side, pulling it tight as you go. Pull the cloth tight over the top and staple it to the opposite bottom board. Lightly hammer any staples not completely driven in place. 

Step 7

Drill and screw (but don't glue) a reinforcement (C) on top of the stapled bottom board (B) to create a clean look and keep any staples from popping loose. Repeat for the other side.


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attack on a poor husky leads to the proposed Logan Law

Hopefully with people like this starting something so big it will spread throughout more of the US. We can only hope.


Article by DogTime Staff. Click the link for the full article.

Michigander Matt Falk will never forget his dog Logan, a Siberian Husky Falk remembers as a sweet boy and a great friend, a dog with his own unmistakable unique qualities.

“[Logan was] a talker and a lover,” Falk recalls fondly. “He just loved going out. We couldn’t have asked for a better Husky.”

But in early 2012, tragedy struck. A cruel act by an unknown person left Logan gravely injured.

“On the night of March 12 of 2012, my Siberian Husky Logan was attacked in his own back yard, in his own kennel,” Falk writes in a Facebook post.

That evening, Falk took Logan out to his kennel, where Logan loved to sleep at night. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But during the night, an unknown person approached the kennel where Logan lie sleeping and poured battery acid on the Husky’s muzzle.

What began as a small burn on Logan’s muzzle soon spread, severely burning most of the right side of Logan’s face and around his eye. As the weeks went by after his attack, Logan received constant medical care and seemed to take a turn for the better. His face was badly scarred, but it looked like he would recover. But sadly, in the summer of 2012, the 11-year-old Husky’s body just couldn’t take the stress anymore. His liver and kidneys began to fail.

Armed with happy memories of his late dog and the despair of not knowing the identity of the person or persons responsible for maiming Logan that March night, Falk has led a crusade to help lawmakers pass House Bill 4534 and House Bill 4535, a pair of bills dubbed “Logan’s Law.”

Co-sponsored by Michigan State Representatives Paul Muxlow (R-Brown City) and Harvey Santana (D-Detroit), the bipartisan legislation in “Logan’s Law” brings to the table two important keys in curbing animal abuse in The Wolverine State. HB 4534 aims to prohibit animal shelters from selling or adopting out animals to convicted animal abusers, but it is HB 4535 that is the most revolutionary; if passed, it will establish an animal abuser registry in the state of Michigan. The registry, which would be maintained by the Animal Control Division of the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, would be searchable by both animal shelters and private citizens.

Rep. Santana hopes to arrange a hearing date for “Logan’s Law” in the next few months, and in the meantime will continue to push for its public approval. Matt Falk and his wife, Nancy, ask in a Facebook post that anyone who supports HB 4534 and HB 4535 should email the members of the judiciary committee today. The Falks provide a list of committee members and their email addresses on the “Pass Logan’s Law” Facebook page.


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The Crofts and their deadly transport

The Crofts decided to aid in a transport since they have a business doing it. Sue Croft owns Furry Paws-n-Whickers Transport and her soon-to-be-ex husband owns TCTransport. Do they have a license to be a "for-hire" transport? NO Do they have the proper licensing or registration thru the USDA? NO They require payments to be in cash. Hmmm wonder why that is? Maybe they don't want IRS knowing about their so-called business. Hmm makes a person wonder.

Well they were hired to do a transport from South Carolina to Kentucky that started out with 12 cats and about 35 kittens, but it ended with only 6 cats and 19 kittens alive. Now if that has your attention the rest will too. Sue Croft set everything up but her (ex)husband actually handled the cats and kittens or shall I say the lack there of. Are both responsible? Should they be? Read here to see just what happened and so you can help spread the word about these companies to not ever let them transport again.

There is a part 2 at the bottom of Part 1, read that too as it shows you what legal action has started over this. More on this subject is coming as we receive it. Just awaiting what the USDA is doing and the Dept. of Agriculture in KY.


tail wags and purrs.

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Transporting animals is not just that

Did you realize that transporting animal across state lines is more involved that just taking the animal and driving it to it's destination? OK well it is just that unless you are getting paid for the effort because it is your business. Most people do not realize this. You must have a business license in your city or county, you must have a commercial transporting license from the Motor vehicle division or at least an exempt form, you must be either licensed or registered through the USDA for transporting, you also have many guidelines and laws you must know and make sure you are abiding by. For more information on this read here.


tail wags and purrs

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Pet Masks are making for a "hot" topic

When you see a house on fire, what is the first thing you think of? Hope everyone got out, Right? Well do you think of the poor pets that may have been in there? When the firefighters show up their main concern is getting the humans out and when the humans are out and they know there are animals, they go back in for them too. By this time the animals usually have smoke inhalation, and need oxygen to survive. They get this from the oxygen masks that the firefighters use for the people. But do they actually fit? NO!!!

Here is the problem, there are so many fire stations out there that do not have pet masks. Pat masks come in three different sizes and can be utilized by just about any kid of pet including  cats, dogs, hamsters, iguanas and etc. There are companies out there that have created kits that have all three kinds within them and also full details on just how to use them. Check more out here.


Purrs and tail wags

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Pets have allergies too!

Do you have allergies? Did you know your pet can get them too? Do you know what to look for and the symptoms of them? Did you know there are four main categories of allergies for pets? There are normal air borne type, food, contact and even flea allergies. There are many things we can do to help our furry companions to not suffer from the allergies. Read this article about pets with allergies to see what you can be doing and to make yourself better prepared.

It also provides a great product to aid in air borne allergies for the home. Check it out.


tail wags and purrs

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Pets 101: What to do with your pets in the summer

Everyone knows it is hot during the summer and that we all should take extra precautions with our pets. Right??? Well some don't and the ones that do may not think about everything. Did you know that having a fish tank near a window during the summer can raised the water temperature to an uncomfortable temperature for the fish? Probably did not even think about it. Also the direct sunlight will spark the algae growth within the tank. YUCK!!! All because you wanted the curtain open to allow the summer light in. Read the article below and you will see ideas like this and many others to help with fighting the summer heat for your pets. Birds, fish, dogs and cats and even rabbits and ferret tips within.

Pets 101: What to do during the summer months for all pets.


tail wags and purrs

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ok not for pets but us humans need treats too

OK I know I am all about the dogs, cats, horses and animals, but sometimes I have to stop and smell the roses. Or in this case pie! I found a receipe that I just have to share. It is called Lime Chiffon Pie.

It is like Key Lime Pie but lighter and less calories. Only 130 calories per slice. Great for summer fun or a just because.

Prep time 10 minutes             Total time is overnight (you will need to make thsi the night before you need it)

2/3 cup boiling water

1 pkg (4-serving) Jello Lime flavor sugar free low calorie gelatin

Ice Cubes

1/2 cup cold water

1 1/2 tsp grated lime peel (don't worry if you don't have it as it will turn out good)

2 TBsp lime juice

2 cups thawed Cool Whip Free whipped topping (or store brand to make it cheaper)

1 ready to use reduced fat graham cracker crumb crust (6oz)


OK  Stir boiling water into gelatin mix in large bowl at least 2 minutes until gelatin is completely dissolved. Add enough ice to cold water to measure 1 cup. Add to gelatin; stir until ice is completely melted. Stir in lime peel and juice.

Add whipped topping; (I actually used the whol container) stir with wire whisk until well blended. Refrigerate 15 to 20 minutes or until mixture is very thick and will mound. Took me almost 45 minutes. Spoon into crust.

Refrigerate over night. Store leftover pie in fridge covered in cling-wrap.

Makes 8 servings. cal-130 Fat 4.5g Carb 21 g, sugars 9g, protein 2g

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Hello everyone just wanted to say.......

Hello to all. It is my 13th year Anniversary of being married to my wonderful husband today. In today's society seeing a couple make it past year 5 is a great accomplishment, therefore it is really a rarity when you see a couple together for 13. Yes the old school ones are still together but the newer generations just don't view marriage in the same light. I am blessed I found my soul mate, maybe it is just that there are so many that just find a mate and marry and don't really search for their soul mate.

Anyways, just wanted to share that today is very special to me. Thank you to each one of you reading this and may you have a wonderful day.


tail wags and purrs

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